23 Nov 2018 | Arctic Travel Tips

Polar Destinations: Arctic vs. Antarctica

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What is the difference between the Arctic vs Antarctica? Both polar destinations can be extreme but spectacular for travellers seeking a unique trip. Both the Arctic and the Antarctic are vast and remote, considered the last untamed wildernesses in the world. When choosing polar destinations, Antarctica is often top of mind for many people but the Arctic offers distinct and incredible travel experiences.   The distance between the two polar regions is 20,117 […]

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21 Aug 2018 | AK NEWS

New Arctic Adventures for 2019

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In 2019, we’re celebrating 20 years of Arctic adventures! After two decades of adventures in the North, the pristine beauty, rich culture and intimate wildlife encounters of the Canadian Arctic still takes our breath away. Since our first trip to the Arctic in 1999, we have explored regions across the Arctic from James Bay to […]

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