31 Jan 2020 | Team Interviews

Guide Profile: Moses Amagoalik

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When it comes to the Arctic, nobody knows it like the Inuit. Arctic Kingdom is so grateful for the contribution and friendships formed on our trips and through our years in this region. They are the true stewards of the land and we are so fortunate for their knowledge. One of the aspects we often hear […]

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15 Nov 2019 | Team Interviews

Get To Know Our Northern Lights Guide: The Wonderful Marie Claire

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We are launching a new and very exciting trip, GUIDED NORTHERN LIGHTS GETAWAY. The northern lights bring Arctic travellers from all over the world and Iqaluit, Canada’s newest capital city, is a cultural destination in its own right with rich Inuit history. But you may be asking, who is this guide and what is so […]

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25 Oct 2019 | Team Interviews

Conversations With The Inuit Guides

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One of the top highlights from my Arctic safari was the chance to talk and learn from my Inuit guides. The wildlife was remarkable, seeing polar bears in their natural environment, noticing bowhead whales and seeing their tail poke out of the water before they dive. But having the opportunity to hear from our guides […]

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